WATCH: This Must Be The Snuggliest Cow in All of Texas
A Texas show cow named "Skully" has gone viral on TikTok over the last 2 days, and for good reason. Skully is the fluffiest, most adorable, and snuggliest looking cow I've ever seen in my entire life. In fact, I think I might have to stop eating burgers and steaks. I might even get rid of my cats and adopt a cow...
Check Skully out below:
I'm not the only one obsessed with this cuddle muffin. There are thousands of comments below the video of Skully. Here's some of my favorites:
"I asked my husband if I could have this dog without showing him and he asked what kind of dog and I told him a saint mooonard..."
"Now I need a donkey, a raccoon, a mini cow, and whatever type of cow that is."
"I never knew I needed cow cuddles but I can feel it deep in my soul now."
"Boy, that's the prettiest cow I've ever seen in my entire life."
"If she doesn't win a blue ribbon, I will definitely want to see that cow that does."
"Like a big fuzzy teddy bear."
"That's on WICKED fluffy cow."
"What a magnificent moo."
"Please tell me you're going to have a meet and greet so I can come cuddle this beast."
Are you Googling where to buy a fluffy cow now, or is it just me? I'm pretty sure I could share my one bedroom apartment with one. She can just sleep in my bed with me, right?
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