West Texas Comedian Andrew Capen Needs Your Help
Thirty-three-year-old Odessa comedian Andrew Capen is awaiting a double lung transplant due to the plethora of complications COVID-19 has wreaked on his body since his July diagnosis.
Andrew has been a mutual friend of mine since I got started in the Lubbock comedy scene, and I've watched his terrible situation unfold in heartbreaking posts on his Facebook page.
Over the past five months, Andrew has been fighting for his life to beat the terrible disease that has spread across the world. Sometimes it seems like he is making a turnaround and maybe things are going to finally level out, only to be thwarted by another infection, or simply by the rapid deterioration of his lungs.
Andrew desperately needs a new set of lungs and is now on a waiting list for a hospital in San Antonio. His family is struggling not only emotionally, but financially as well. His mother has been paying to stay in a hotel the entire time Andrew has been hospitalized. Most of us can barely afford an unplanned week of hotel stays, let alone five months, and the end is not yet in sight for his family.
From the bottom of my heart and with tears in my eyes, I'm asking all 94.5 FMX fans to please consider donating anything you can to Andrew's family via their GoFundMe page.
If you could skip going to Starbucks in the morning or go without that extra guacamole, it would be greatly appreciated.
Andrew has his entire life ahead of him, and when he makes it to the end of this chapter, let's be able to say we did everything we could do. Please wear your masks, stay socially distant from each other, and wash your hands.
If we could spend more time being a team, and less time arguing over the color of the sky, we could really make a difference. Do it for Andrew.

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