What’s the Deepest Lake in Texas and How Deep Is It?
Texas is home to over 7,000 different lakes, most of which are found in the central and eastern parts of the state. Only a tiny percentage of them are naturally-occurring, and it's no secret to most of us that playa lakes are the most common type here in Lubbock.
The deepest lake near Lubbock is Buffalo Springs Lake, with a maximum depth of 52 feet. Coming in next would be Lake Alan Henry located in Justiceburg, Texas, just south of Lubbock. It's roughly 40-feet deep, with a surface area of approximately 2,880 acres. It isn't a playa lake like the majority you find in local parks around town. It's a reservoir and was man-made in 1993 to be used for future tertiary water supply for our city.
So, how does the deepest lake in Texas compare to Lake Alan Henry or Buffalo Springs?
There was a ton of differing information online on just exactly which lake was the deepest. Texas had an exceptionally dry summer, so please take that into account before proceeding. Here are the results I'm going to stick with for the time being.
From what I could gather, the deepest lake in Texas is Lake Travis, with a maximum depth of 210 feet. A pretty big difference in depth compared to Buffalo Springs and Lake Alan Henry. Coming in next is Lake Amistad, which stretches between Texas and Mexico and has a maximum depth of 200 feet, followed by Medina Lake at 152 feet and Possum Kingdom Lake at 145 feet.
They sound pretty deep, but they aren't deep enough to house the Loch Ness Monster. For comparison, Loch Ness is an astounding 745 feet deep. That seems pretty crazy when you put it all in perspective. But Scotland is quite a bit wetter than Texas.
What's your favorite lake in Texas? I'm a bit partial to Lake Travis, but Lake Amistad is really lovely, too. I would, however, not suggest taking a john boat with a tiny trolling motor out on it too far. I got caught in a crazy storm once when I made that mistake. It's funny now, but it was pretty terrifying at the time.
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