Alamo Drafthouse Lubbock Offers Free Movie Tickets to Educators on Wednesdays This Summer
Alamo Drafthouse is offering a sweet deal for educators in Lubbock:
Every Wednesday through the end of August educators in Houston, Lubbock, El Paso, Corpus Christi and Laredo will get free admission to any show before 5 pm (excluding special events and Disney titles*). All you'll need is a current ID from your place of employment (preschool, elementary, high schools, university). Homeschooling educators, bring along documentation that shows that you're a teacher and we'll take care of ya too.
This offer may be used for one free ticket per transaction, per day. It also only works in person, at our box office.
I love the inclusive nature of this offer. Not sure what to go see? Here's Alamo's calendar so you can make plans.
Alamo Drafthouse offers not only current blockbusters, but screenings of classic and cult movies as well.
*Special events are movie parties and movies that include food with your ticket price, like Afternoon Tea.
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