An Open Letter to Lubbock’s Beloved and Long-Gone Showplace 6 Movie Theater
Showplace 6 closing its doors back in August 2010 really stung, so much so that I felt the need to mention it today, over 11 years after the fact.
If you aren't familiar with the beloved place, it was the first multi-screen theater in Lubbock and opened back in the 1970s. Losing our favorite dollar theater, filled with hundreds of memories from our childhood was a hard pill to swallow. It may have even been sadder than losing Hastings, but the jury is still out on that one.
Nothing gold can stay, Ponyboy.
My grandmother and I used to go to Showplace 6 pretty often, followed up by a trip to the Dairy Queen, conveniently located in the same parking lot. Together, we watched all kinds of movies there that grandmas typically don't watch. It was always all about whatever I wanted to see, no matter how silly or scary. She didn't mind. It was fun, inexpensive, and spending time with her weird granddaughter seemed to be enough for her. Those hours spent there with her are something I will never forget.
Sometimes, my mom would drop me off there with a few friends and we would spend the entire day watching as many $2.50 dollar movies as we could, going from theater to theater, stopping in to refill our drinks and find more snacks between showings.
It seems like it was much less expensive to be a kid in Lubbock, back then. I don't have children of my own, but forking over a ton of money for them to go see a movie at the only places we have available now, probably kind of sucks.
The last film I ever saw there was The Lovely Bones (2009). I had just finished reading the book, didn't think that my boyfriend at the time would have been crazy about the movie and I really wanted to give it my full attention, so I went alone. I got popcorn and a box of Dots and settled into my lonely seat, never knowing it would be the last time I was in the theater.
So here's my big shout-out to Showplace 6 and all of the wonderful memories Lubbock made there for nearly four decades. Lubbock won't ever forget your bright red seats or the occasional sticky Dr Pepper residue on the floor. We loved you. You're responsible for hundreds of first dates, awkward make-out sessions, and simply for cultivating a love of film in the young minds of Lubbock residents like me. Miss you.