Beautiful Butch Is Your Awesome Adoptable Dog of the Week
For many families, the holidays seem like the right time to bring a new baby into the family. With time off and more time spent at home, it's a great time to get your new family member the love and attention they need as they adjust to their new home.
Now you may be considering a puppy, maybe even a purebred animal. I'm not going to knock that decision, but I will offer some advice. Puppies are basically selfish jerks. They bite like crazy, they pee and poop everywhere and require nearly the same supervision as a human toddler.
Sure, they are cute and they have sweet puppy breath, but they really aren't for everyone. Before you chose to buy a puppy, at least consider adopting an adult dog. Butch is an excellent choice.
Butch is still very young at two years old and is rocking the puppy dog eyes like crazy. I can't get over how cute this handsome boy is. And according to Lubbock Animal Shelter, he's going to be a breeze to train:
Butch is a 2 year old white Pit who came to LAS 1 week ago. He is fixed and up to date on his shots. Butch is a very gentle and loving dog who knows some basic commands and loves children. He is a sweetheart who is waiting for his forever family to come get him and give him a comfortable home.
Adopted animals seem to understand and appreciate the love they receive just a little better than their bought counterparts. For example, my two formerly stray cats are much more sweet and affectionate than the cat I adopted strait from her momma's litter. I still love Havoc, but man, her name sure suits her.
And since Butch is already fixed and vetted, you can rest easy about his health and you won't have to worry about negotiating the vet's office during this highly strange time. My vet isn't even allowing people to enter the office with their animals at this time. Luckily, all my babies are already altered and up-to-date on shots.
If Butch seems like the right fit for your family, be sure to visit him at the Lubbock Animal Shelter Adoption Center, located at 3323 SE Loop 289. Since this is a holiday week, be sure to check their hours before heading over.

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