Bring on President Trump!
Are you ready for America to be the world's reality show? I am more than ready, and "The Donald" is just the man to do it.
America is not in the best shape. We have talked a good game for a long time. In fact, the thing we are best at is convincing ourselves that we're the best when we're not.
Pick a category, from education to science, and we've let ourselves lag behind. The problem is that the guys with the giant foam fingers think that shouting "we're number one!" makes us number one, instead of knuckling down and actually excelling at whatever you want to be good at.
I'm convinced we have to hit rock bottom before we can come back up. I think Trump is the man to take us to the bottom. He will be the man that will force America to look into the mirror and decide if it likes what it sees.
I certainly don't think Trump represents the end of America; just the end of the direction we're heading. I've said it before, the USA is just a big giant boat and it isn't capable of real sharp turns, just minor course adjustments. It's my feeling that we'll go the wrong way just enough that we'll have to make some decisions about who we want to be.
I do know one thing. I think Mr. Trump, if elected, will be the last President ever elected from The Republican Party. I think he'll bring enough shame to the GOP that it will have to become something else if it ever wants to win another election.
So what about the Democrats? Well, that's really another blog, but what I think is that will just delay the epiphany that we need to be the greatest again. Mrs. Clinton would probably just bring us four more years of fighting among ourselves, and I don't think Congress would ever give Mr. Sanders what he'd need to do what he wants.
Sometimes we all need a common enemy in order to join us together. I believe President Trump will be that guy.