Buddy Holly Center Offering Spring Break Staycation Activities

With Spring Break coming up for area school districts and the coronavirus pandemic still going on, many parents are looking for different activities for kids to do since they won't be in school or learning online.
Of course, there are places you can go but many people are still worried about crowds and not wanting to be around many other people. For many, this Spring Break is a socially distanced Spring Break.
That's where the Buddy Holly Center comes in. They want kids to "Museum from Home" during Spring Break with the Buddy Holly Center's, "Spring Break Staycation".
Activity kits can be picked up at the Buddy Holly Center gift shop beginning Saturday, March 13th through Sunday, March 21st. Kits cost $5 for each Staycation Activity Kit at the Buddy Holly Center while supplies last. Each kit includes materials for five days and enough supplies for one child. The kits are meant for kids ages 6-12 years old.
You can visit @BuddyHollyCenter on social media or go to BuddyHollyCenter.org for more details and for companion videos. The videos will help children learn about art, music, and history before you get into that days activities.
The activity themes change each day according to a press release from the Buddy Holly Center.
Our activity themes include:
Musical Monday: Why does a guitar twang and a drum bang? Learn why different instruments make different sounds, then create your own musical maracas.
Artsy Tuesday: Have you ever heard of stippling or charcoal drawing? Our Fine Arts Gallery exhibit “Ebova, New Works” features many art mediums. Learn how to create your own works with just crayons and pencils.
Wordy Wednesday: Do you know how a cowboy feels? Cowboy poetry has been around for generations and now you can take a look at that magnificent Texas sky and write or recite some of your own.
Women of West Texas Thursday: Many women have shaped the music of West Texas. Have a dance party to the Buddy Holly Center’s “West Texas Women” playlist and create your own paper plate tambourine to keep the music going at home.
‘50s Friday: Although Buddy Holly’s music is still heard today, his unique sound was popular in the 1950s. Throw your own sock hop by decorating some iconic Buddy Holly glasses, creating a paper vinyl record, and getting the recipe for a tasty root beer float.
Of course parents can add to the activities each day if they want. Stop by the Buddy Holly Center beginning Saturday for these great staycation activities.
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