Do You Get A Ton Of Unwanted Solicitors In Your Lubbock Neighborhood?
When someone rings my doorbell and I'm not expecting any guests, I almost go into panic mode. I really don't like unwanted visitors, probably because I watch too much true crime, and lately, it feels like my entire neighborhood has been overrun with solicitors trying to sell me everything from security systems to vacuum cleaners, to lawn care services. I'm totally over it, and I'm curious as to whether or not it is affecting everyone in town.
Am I just the chosen one that has to deal with unwanted knocks on the door?
I live in the neighborhood near Northridge Elementary. For the most part, it's a nice area to live in that seems to mainly consist of retirees and families with young children, given the close proximity to the school. It's relatively quiet, except for the random people drag racing from time to time, but even that has slowed down since a police officer moved into the area and keeps his patrol car on the problem street. That kind of put a stop to the noise and I was ecstatic. I've never been so excited to live by a cop in my life. Maybe I'm just getting old...anyway...
Solicitors seem to have targeted my neighborhood specifically. Nearly every single day, there is a card taped to my door from a different company. My doorbell rings almost every afternoon, and some of these salespeople are merciless. They will ring the bell, bang on the door, leave, come back, and then do it all over again.
I'm not sure if the madness will ever end.
Are you experiencing a higher volume of door-to-door sales than you are used to? It seems so disruptive and rude to bother someone at their residence, put them on the spot, and try to get them to buy something that they don't want. Why does it still even happen? Will it ever stop? Leave a comment on our KFMX Facebook page if you are sick of it too.
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