Former FMX DJ Hosts ‘Tub of Terror’ Horror Movie Reviews
Believe it or not, Kelly & I are not the first female DJs on FMX. Sure, it's mostly been a boy's club throughout the years, but no one can deny the contribution of Wes' former morning show partner Jacqui Neil to our beloved rock 'n' roll home.
Another female DJ is now known as Scarah- she works with the horror website Horror Web. In her previously life as a FMX DJ, Wes made her go by the name "Toad" because he thought it was an ironic and funny name for a pretty girl.
Scarah has started doing horror movie reviews- from the comfort of her hot tub. You can check out her first one, a spoiler-free review of Jordan Peele's Us. Just be sure to tell her some old friends sent you there.