A local Lubbock business has taken to social media to warn others that counterfeit bills could be circulating around Lubbock. According to The Shack BBQ, they recently received a rather convincing, albeit fake $100 bill.

One commenter said the "tell" on this bill is that the lines don't match up on the bottom, that is, it was cut incorrectly. The Shack said they could tell because it was printed on a one-dollar bill. Would a counterfeit pen have helped?

No. Counterfeit pens work because they can detect when a bill has been printed on wood-based paper. All American money is printed on paper that is a blend of cotton and linen.  Additionally, real money has tiny red and blue fibers woven in.

So how can you keep yourself or your business from falling victim to counterfeit bills when there are literally millions worth circulating in the U.S.? There are a few things you can do but here's the easiest one to implement. Invest in a UV detector and educate yourself on security threads. $1 notes will not have a security thread, and this is likely how the Shack discovered this fake. Any $100 printed after 1990 will have one, and it should be pink under UV light.

To find out about all real-bill security features, read this comprehensive pamphlet- it has helpful photos, too.

The Shack BBQ on Facebook, my edit
The Shack BBQ on Facebook, my edit

If you suspect that a bill being passed to you is counterfeit, you have every right to refuse it, and you can (and probably should) report it to local authorities. While it is entirely possible the person who gave it to you is a victim, it is important for authorities to locate the source of the fakes to prevent more people from getting ripped off.

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