Photos: Hinder Rock the 2018 South Plains Fair
Hinder played FMX's free South Plains Fair show Wednesday night and rocked the house as usual. I got to see my buddies back stage before the show and they mentioned they're working on a new album, hopefully due out early 2019.
Check out some pics from one of the bigger fair shows we've had.
I've been friends with Marshall Dutton, the singer for Hinder, since he was in the Dallas band Faktion years ago. So every time the band rolls through town, I get to go hang with my friends. Also, Marshall's parents live here in Lubbock now and he grew up in Tulia, so there are plenty of ties to our town with this band.
I was especially impressed with how everybody in the band went out of their way for the fans. When they noticed an uncle holding his very young nephew up in the stands, Blower made sure they got a guitar pick to the little boy. Then, Marshall went up into the stands and got the two and brought them onstage while Marshall sang and held the boy up. What a great way to show the fans your appreciation!
He also took literally hundreds of pics and autographs with as many fans as he could after the show.