Hub City NORML 420 Fest To Celebrate Plant That Should Have Been Legal 50 Years Ago
Cannabis prohibition is still far and away the most mind-boggling stupid reality that we face as Texans in the Year of Our Lord 2023.
We all know it's harmless* for the vast majority of people, in fact, for many it is life-improving or even life-saving medicine.
*smoking anything isn't great for your lungs, but that's why edibles exist.
The ludicrous notion that it is a gateway to truly dangerous drugs hasn't borne out either, in fact, there is some evidence that cannabis can help folks overcome their addiction to drugs like opioids. In my experience as a human on this planet, the biggest gateway drug is perfectly legal alcohol, which carries a host of societal evils, including drunk driving. Should alcohol be illegal? Of course not, it's a huge part of our culture. So is cannabis. Humans have used it for over 3000 years.
We all know it helps with nausea in cancer patients and helps with chronic pain. It's also shown efficacy in treating conditions like PTSD, among many other ailments.
Let me be abundantly clear: full legalization of cannabis is the only ethical, just, and humane course for Texas.
It is this same course that the folks at Hub City Norml have been advocating for over the years, including their upcoming 420 Festival:
The festival is Saturday and Sunday, April 15th through the 16th at Prima Vista Event Center (402 N Inler Ave). It will feature a huge variety of performances, from dance to drag to DJs, local music, and more. There will also be raffles and door prizes for attendees.
Tickets are available at Ralph's Records (82nd & Indiana).