Is It Actually Illegal For Your Dog To Ride Shotgun In Texas?
There's nothing quite like taking a cruise around town with a man's best friend riding in the passenger seat. They are always stoked to hop in and take a little trip with you, and since we've talked about several weird Texas laws lately, and thought it might be a good idea to make sure there weren't any that would prevent you from riding around with your doggo.
So, is it totally legal for your dog to ride in the passenger seat in Texas without a seatbelt or any restraints?
Yes, lucky for us, Texas doesn't have any laws prohibiting dogs from sitting in the front seat. There are several states including Connecticut, Oregon, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire that actually don't allow dogs to roam freely in your car while you drive. They have to be restrained with a harness.
So, no need to go buy a doggie seatbelt. Your dog and basically do whatever it wants in your car without getting you into trouble. However, it is illegal in Texas to confine any animal you at transporting in a cruel or inhumane way. But, I don't need to tell you that. You're a pet lover, and you probably clicked on this article just to be sure you were doing things right. Good job. You rule.
You could still always consider getting a dog harness to help keep them extra safe. You can buy them for pretty cheap online. I found a couple of great deals here that you can check out.
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