Buying Flowers? Make Sure You Are Only Shopping Local
Valentine's Day is right around the corner and you need to remember how important it is to pay attention to who you are buying flowers from.
Everyone has seen them no matter where the ads are. If you see something like 800-Flowers, FTD, TeleFlora, ProFlowers, and other 'order gathering' flower companies. These companies never even touch a flower.
When you order from them you are just paying more and getting less than what you are paying for. Plus all that money is going to a large corporation.
For example, if you order something from one of those places you will be charged a $14.99 service fee and then another $2.99 for delivery. What happens is they place an order to someone else and they keep 27% of the posted price of flowers for themselves.
So if you pay a total of $87.97 plus tax, the florist will only be given $51.08 but $10 of those dollars go to delivery. This means you are getting a flower bouquet sent to your loved one that should have cost $41.08.
So you could go to a local shop, spend the same amount and get a lot more. Plus you are supporting a small local business in the area. You will get a better product and also help that local community.
This is very important to look into while you are making your decisions on where to shop. Make sure you know who and where you are buying from. Local florists will be very happy and thankful.
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