Powerful Video Shows Just How Much Texans Care for One Another
I came across a video posted by Facebook user Christopher Garcia this morning that shows just how much Texans really do care about one another.
The video is simply dozens of big semi-trucks lined up to deliver and pick up items for HEB stores to ensure the people of San Antonio and surrounding areas are taken care of during some of the worst weather Texans have ever faced.
In spite of the power outages, frozen pipes and slippery roads, Texans will prevail.
This video depicts just one of the many ways we have seen the people in our great state come together to help one another out over the last week. Whether you shoveled the driveway for an elderly neighbor or picked up groceries for a friend, we're in this together.
Christopher Garcia was moved by what he saw this morning and took a quick video.
Garcia works for the HEB Milk Plant in San Antonio and told me that everyone there was ready and waiting to bottle milk for the people of Texas and that they are just waiting for water right now. He said that their water lines are working, but because of the boil water mandate, they're still awaiting approval from the State of Texas to get started with milk production again.
Garcia posted the video, saying: "This morning I cried seeing all these trucks coming to #HEB to pick up and drop off to the stores to continue to take care of the people of San Antonio and surrounding areas! Thank a trucker thank an HEB partner. I'm proud to work for Heb!"
In Abilene, United Supermarkets are also doing the best they can to keep shelves stocked with essential items, and they are also giving away free sandwich ingredients and water to warming centers. They fed the Abilene Police Department for free this entire week as well.
Be sure to hug the truck drivers and grocery store workers in your life and thank them for everything they do.
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