Smokin’ Poll: Did You Eat Any Weird Non-Food Item As A Kid?
When I was a little kid, I had a Gumby. I thought I was a smart kid, therefore my thought was "Gum-by", must be made of "gum". I ate that Gumby down to the wire. What about you, did you eat a crayon? Maybe a bug? So tell us you foul mouthed fiend, "Did You Eat Any Weird Non-Food Item As A Kid"?
More general info about the Smokin' Poll after the click.
The RockShow wants to know! We ask the Smokin' Poll question each day at 6:10 and we ask again, as well as go through some of answers each weekday at about 9:35. Don't be surprised if we use your answer or your name on the air. We love to give props to everyone who contributes! You can hit our Facebook right here.