Study Reveals Your Job Might Be Keeping You From Getting Laid
According to a new study by Zippia, people are pickier about the jobs their romantic partners have than you would even realize. The study asked for the top 25 jobs that women find the most attractive in a partner, versus the top 25 jobs men find more desirable.
On average, men find nurses to be the number one most desirable woman to be with romantically. Coming in at number two are elementary school teachers, followed by doctors at number 3. Women, on the other hand, find doctors to be the number one most attractive job in their romantic partners. Next come lawyers, carpenters, and engineers.
The study found that men believe that janitors are the least desirable to date. Women seemed to find fast-food workers to be the least attractive job for a partner to have.
The article states that the average salary a woman finds most attractive in a man exceeds $70,000, while men on the other hand seem most turned on by women who make an average of $56,129.
It's safe to say that there are some amazing janitors and fast-food employees out there with lots of love to give. Are they getting the short end of the stick? Do you think that your career has much of an impact on your love life?
It's worth remembering that love is blind, and money isn't everything. Before taking a peek at this study, I gave almost zero thought to what the person I am dating does for a living, and I've never thought less of someone whether they were a cook or a surgeon.
I think I'll stick to my heart, and not someone's wallet. What about you? Comment below or on our FMX Facebook page.
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