Did you love Wonder Woman? Did you see it a ton of times in theaters? Did you mis its IMAX run and wish you could see it again on the biggest screen possible? Good news! The Amazons’ greatest warrior is returning to select IMAX screens this Friday for one day only.
Wonder Woman, if you can believe it, is still breaking records and defying explanations more than two months after its release. On Tuesday, the film broke past the $400 million mark domestically, now in league with such box office juggernauts as Star Wars: The Force Awakens, The Avengers, The Dark Knight, and, uh, Shrek 2.
We know a Wonder Woman sequel is happening – how could Warner Bros. not give us another Diana Prince outing after Patty Jenkins‘ film smashed its way to the top of the box office? The film, which has bypasses the final Harry Potter film to become the studio’s third-biggest release of all time, has yet to get an official sequel announcement, but there are rumors that such news is on the way.
Did any new releases come out this weekend? I honestly can’t remember. Someone mentioned that there was a new Marvel movie in theaters - one featuring some sort of Spider-Person - but that can’t be right. I feel like I would’ve seen that, perhaps promoted on an unprecedented level for any superhero movie? Hmm. Well, anyways, here’s the weekend box office estimates as of Sunday afternoon:
Ladies: Imagine going to see Wonder Woman in a movie theater filled with nothing but other women. Sounds fun, right? The Alamo Drafthouse certainly thinks so, which is why the geniuses behind our favorite theater chain organized a special women-only screening of the highly-anticipated superhero film at their downtown Austin location. Unfortunately (but predictably, which is just as unfortunate), a whole bunch of dudes are acting like big whiny weenies about it — hilariously oblivious to how their sexist attitudes further prove the need for this event.
So far the reviews of the DC Extended Universe movies have been ... uh, what’s the opposite of good? Bad. They’ve been bad. The first three movies — Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and Suicide Squad — have an average Rotten Tomatoes score of 36. That is bad. The opposite of good. For sure.
Have there been a ton more movie stills being released lately, or is it just me? Not even Alien: Covenant’s trailer release stopped that account from posting more photos, and even more have arrived this week from the It remake to Ghost in the Shell. Today’s latest is from the upcoming Wonder Woman, one of the most anticipated movies of 2017, and sees the hero suited up in the middle of a battlefield.
Even without her lasso and gauntlets and sword, Wonder Woman is still plenty powerful — but those things sure do help, and they look cool as hell. Like, really cool. Functionally speaking, Diana’s accessories have always been pretty awesome, but some of them (lookin’ at you, lasso) have occasionally come off as a bit corny. As we’ve seen in the trailers, Gal Gadot and director Patty Jenkins have ensured that there’s nothing silly about them, but when it comes to that sword, there’s no debate: It rules. And it’s the centerpiece in a newly released photo from the upcoming Wonder Woman solo film.