Ah, Lubbock, Texas. There's nothing quite like the smell of cow poo in the morning, am I right?

Us Lubbock folk dance to the beat of our own drum. We're a little bit city and a little bit country, all rolled up into one. I love Lubbock. I've lived here for most of my life. I moved away when I was 18 and it took me several years to miss this place.

I'm 35 now. I've been here for over 4 years. I think my hometown may actually be growing on me...

How strange.

Anyway, check out a list of ways you tell people you're from Lubbock without ever saying anything at all...

Tell Us You're From Lubbock Without Telling Us You're From Lubbock...

Gallery Credit: Chrissy Covington

What do you think? Are you totally from Lubbock, too!? I'd love to hear how YOU tell people you're from Lubbock without actually saying it. Do your thang, and then comment below, or feel free to email me at Chrissy.Covigton@townsquresmedia.com or you can just drop me a comment on Facebook. :)

11 Awful Things in Lubbock That Remind You That You're in Lubbock

Some of these aren't really that awful. Some of them definitely are.

9 Things That Totally Suck About Lubbock

9 Things That Totally Suck About Lubbock

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