Texas Tech Offers Incentives for Summer Semester Classes
Texas Tech is offering some financial and convenience incentives to the Summer I session to help students who would otherwise spend the summer idle. Many students prefer to take a few summer classes to either graduate a little earlier or to take some pressure off long semesters. As a full time working distance student, its an opportunity for me to pick up a class I need that might not be available online during the Fall or Spring semester. Now all classes will be available online so students can take them from their hometown, or if you're like me, in the comfort of sweatpants on the couch.
I received a letter from Tech explaining some incentives for folks who would like to take a class or two during Summer I. The incentives include: all classes available online/distance, distance fees waived, service fees cut by half and the campus bookstore "stocked" with online course materials.
If you're a current or potential student, I encourage you to read the letter yourself. Distance classes are not only the best way to fight the spread of viruses on campus, but they are also extremely convenient for folks who don't want to travel to or park on campus. I love Distance classes and I'm excited for more to be offered in the future.
Sights Around Campus