Texas Woman’s $1000 Curbside Order Stolen, Could It Happen To You?
Imagine you order all the groceries you'll need for the month, and when you pick it up, someone takes off with your entire order. What a headache. Now imagine you are a single parent of five children. Now, it's a total nightmare.
That's exactly what happened to Jessica Reyna at a Corpus Christi location of HEB, according to mysanantonio.com. On January 5th, 180 items were loaded into a stranger's car, leaving Reyna and her kids without their food, at least temporarily.
Are there no security checks in place? What went wrong? And could it happen to you?
There are security checks at HEB supermarkets; however, the person who claimed Reyna's order had somehow obtained information about her order, and it could be because she used her SNAP benefits to make the purchase.
The Texas Health and Human Services Commission has reported an increase in scams related to SNAP benefits through skimming and cloning.
Unfortunately, if you use SNAP benefits, this could happen to you. Or if you have your information stolen some other way. It's another reason to be hyper-vigilant about your online security.
The person who picked up Reyna's order had her first name, and a picture of Reyna's order number (but not the actual corresponding text), but got her last name wrong. The employee gave the crook the benefit of the doubt and let them collect the order.
Reyna worked things out with HEB and got her order on January 12th, a week later than her original order.
Curbside is a convenient option on the rise everywhere, so unfortunately, thieves will find ways to take advantage. Unfortunately for the rest of us, this will likely result in heightened security checks, making this option a little less easy than it should be.
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