This Has Got to Be the Most Inappropriately Named Daycare in Lubbock
A Lubbock daycare was recently brought to our attention after a 2-year-old child there escaped undetected. Fortunately, a good Samaritan found the child wandering alone in the street and alerted authorities. They were safely returned to their parents and incredibly lucky that nothing worse happened.
That being said, let's talk about what the daycare is called.
Teacher's Touch Daycare...
Come on,
I don't think I really have to explain why the name of this place is inappropriate and icky-sounding. There are a million things they could have named it, and out of all of them they chose 'TEACHER's TOUCH?' That was the best they could come up with? So creepy! What on Earth were they thinking?
It's clear that they haven't made the best decisions recently, so perhaps the creepy name is just one on a long list. The daycare is reportedly making a bunch of changes to ensure that no other kiddos escape again, but while they're at it I'd propose changing the name to something that doesn't imply weird stuff, like, you know, being touched by a teacher. Eeesh.
The daycare has pledged to add new security cameras, additional gated areas and child locks to keep toddlers from escaping, and renaming the joint wouldn't be a bad idea either.
Does anyone else find it creepy? Or am I just a big jerk? Or both? Ha! Comment on the FMX Facebook page if you think the name of this daycare is sort of suspect, too.