Wanna Get Away? 8 Exotic Places Where Bart Reagor Can Flee From Justice

We've all thought it, but with his looming date to report to federal prison just a few days away on May 8th, some people have openly wondered if Bart Reagor might say "screw this noise" and bolt for somewhere a little more fun instead of sitting in a dusty, rat feces-infested cell.
Will he actually pull an Andy Dufresne, crawl through a river of s*** and come out clean on the other end? Well, Andy may have actually been innocent, while ol' Bart is guilty as hell. So if he decides to get busy livin' or get busy dyin', we have a few exotic destinations that would make anyone with several million embezzled dollars want to get out of Dodge.
With that, allow us to be your tour guide, as we spotlight several hotspots where Bart Reagor can chill out before he goes to the cooler.
8 Exotic Places Bart Reagor Could Flee From Justice
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