23 Texas School Districts Make BackgroundChecks.org’s Top 100 for 2019
The 2019 Top 100 School Districts In America list includes 23 located in the state of Texas. But did any West Texas ISDs make the cut?
The recently released list by BackgroundChecks.org asked the questions: "What makes a great school district?" Can a school district actually influence the success of its students?" "Is there anything school districts can do to push their students over the top when compared with other districts?"
The closest school district to Lubbock is Borden County ISD, coming in at no. 93, currently located in Gail, Texas. The school district serves all but one small portion of the county. Unincorporated small town Gail, Texas, approximately just over an hour drive from Lubbock, is the county seat of Borden County and is located on US Highway 180 almost exactly between Sndyer and Lamesa.
According to the report, they may have found some interesting trends that could suggest factors involved in making a school district one of the top in the country, and also what might be leaving some districts behind:
The Top 100 School District ranking for 2019 was determined by assessing crucial scholastic and financial metrics, including the student-to-teacher ratio, standardized test scores, teacher quality, graduation rate, and school funding for over 10,000 schools in the U.S. Information was gathered from the databases at the National Center for Education Statistics and the U.S. Department of Education.
For more information about the report and list of Top 100 School Districts in America for 2019, click here.
School districts in Lubbock and immediately surrounding counties did not make the 2019 list, but anticipate improvement next year. You can find more information about the Top 25 Texas Schools by BackgroundChecks.org here.
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