It's October for crying out loud. It's the time of witches and goblins, and dentists buying speedboats. We are literally 4 weeks removed from summertime, and a lot of folks have already hauled out the holly.

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For some of us, however, there is only one response to this madness prior to November 1st.


This past weekend, I stopped into a chain retailer and noticed an item that I wanted to come back and purchase.  The very next day, I went to the exact spot where the item I wanted was, and noticed that the entire section had been quickly replaced and overrun with the type of holiday themed knick-knacks that usually wind up in your attic on December 26th, but were already for sale.

Admittedly, this should come as no surprise, since stores have been rolling out their holiday wares since July 4th. But, the overload, and fact that the Christmas onslaught seems to come earlier and earlier every year here in Lubbock is getting a little unnerving. But then again, there are plenty of Christmas fanatics who wish it lasted all year long, and plan their month around the Hallmark Channel Christmas Movie schedule.  Those people, have tinsel for brains.

I don't want to dampen anyone's spirit here, but for those of us who just want to get through Halloween and Thanksgiving before Jimmy Stewart has his wonderful life, can we tone down the holly jolly until at least November 1st, or even later?

I still have leftover Easter candy I have to eat, for Pete's sake...


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