A Nice Cold One: Long Anticipated Brewhouse Opens In Lubbock
A brewhouse that has been many months in the making opened over the weekend here in Lubbock. Frost Brewhouse (3121 34th St, next to Vizo's ) let everyone know they were ready to share their brews on Facebook this past Saturday (4/29/2023):
Guess what?! We are FINALLY going to open! Come see us today from 2pm to 11pm and grab a frosty beer
Regular operating hours are not posted yet but should be this week, according to comments made by the establishment on their Facebook. I also read that they do not mind food from neighboring restaurants in the brewery, which is a lovely way to elevate your taste journey.
Frost Brewhouse is the creation of Trevor and Dr. Kayla Frost, who have a degree and a doctorate (respectively) in Microbiology from Texas Tech. Considering that beer is brewed with the help of yeast- a single-celled microorganism, this seems quite fitting.
Do you really love beer? You can join the Frost Brewhouse Mug Club, which has several benefits, including 1 free beer per visit! The mug club is $250 annually, so you could almost certainly get the retail value back just by redeeming your free beers. Additionally, the club includes your own special stein with your name engraved on it that they store for you to drink out of while you're there. Additionally, there is discounts on merch and access to parties and tastings, too.
I love to see a new business open in Central Lubbock. It's a part of town with a lot of history and character. A brewhouse is a lovely and fun addition to the area.