An adorable chunky orange cat named "Tom Tom" was sadly abandoned in Lubbock when his owners moved away. It's something that happens in the Hub City all too often. This kitty is too sweet and adorable to live his life on the streets and desperately needs a new family and a place to sleep belly up, his favorite napping position.


Tom Tom is roughly 5 years old, and after he was abandoned, neighbors noticed he didn't have anywhere to go. They've been giving him a helping hand, but are about to make a move themselves and cannot take him with them. They say that he is the very goodest boy! He's neutered and vaccinated and get's along great with female cats and big dogs. He loves affection and cuddles and is super playful, albeit a little clumsy. He loves kids and naps, and they say he will even follow you to your room at bedtime so that he can find the perfect spot to plop down and sleep right by you.

I was also told that he "absolutely has orange cat syndrome and shares one collective brain cell with all of the other orange cats." He is also just terrible at climbing trees! Haha.

He's truly a lover boy.


Look at that little guy! Just having a hard snooze!


The belly-up sleeps are the cutest! My goodness! Someone save this little baby before I end up adopting another cat. My landlord will not be pleased! I'm at my limit...


If you're at all curious about bringing this big boy home, please feel free to email me at, and I will get you in touch with his current caretakers.


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