Bigger In Texas: Texas Woman Takes Record For Largest Feet
I have a lot of tall female friends, and the common complaint amongst them seems to be a lack of variety when it comes to shoes. And yet I always see piles of teeny size 6 in clearance bins. Makes you wonder. Luckily I'm a perfectly average size 8, but I'm also hella short. You win some, you lose some.
A Houston, Texas woman recently earned the Guinness World record for the largest female feet. She wears a woman's size 18, or the male equivalent size of 16-17. Imagine how frustrating finding shoes must be for her. Her name is Tanya Herbert, and she is also incredibly tall:
[...] with a towering height of 6 feet 9 inches, Tanya is only three inches shorter than the world’s tallest living woman — Rumeysa Gelgi who is 7 feet 0.7 inches tall.
If you're wondering if Tanya has some sort of physical anomaly that made her so tall, that doesn't happen to be the case. Her parents are both very tall and she is even taller than they are.
Tanya is proud of her tall girl status, her Instgram proudly proclaims:
Living this tall girl life, one step at a time! It’s a journey and I’m loving every moment of it! #worldrecord#bigfeet#guinnessworldrecord#6foot9
I think it's really awesome that she's owning it.
Tanya is also outspoken about her weight loss journey, having lost nearly 200 pounds.
Tanya is perfect proof that women do not have to fit a "one-size-fits-all" mold to be confident, happy, and lovely.
It is my hope that perhaps soon, shoe companies will realize that they should be more inclusive with women's sizing and that there are many women who wear a 10 or bigger.
Here's a really awesome video of Tanya from Guinness World Records
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