Drivers In Lubbock Need To Give Highway Workers A Break (or Brake)
I just don't understand the need to hurry everywhere in Lubbock.
Trust me, I do not "mosey" and I'm just as inclined as you to get rolly p.o.ed when someone is moseying on the Loop or Interstate. As a matter of fact, when the weather is nice and the traffic is light, I don't even have a real problem nudging a little past the number I should be doing.
The problem lies in "less than perfect" and road crew conditions. I don't know why people blow past road crews like nothing is going on. When a road crew is out there, the least you can do it take it down to the posted speed limit, and maybe a little less. Just because they are experienced and a lane away doesn't mean that you speeding by isn't a problem.
And here's a handy-dandy fact that you really need to know; most of the people killed in work zones are actually the drivers. Yup, your behavior can actually jump up and take you out.
Last week was National Work Zone Safety Week, but that's not what spurred this post. What got me on the soapbox was seeing a driver who was speeding and not paying attention take out a whole row of orange barrels. I am still in disbelief that the incident didn't result in a huge tragedy, and it certainly could of.
There's a lot of work on Loop 289 and the Interstate right now (and a significant amount in town as well). Take a few extra seconds to give these guys a break/brake.