Grab Some Free Blue Sand & Support Awareness of Human Trafficking on Wednesday
The month of January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month and to show awareness and support the Attorney General's office wanted to bring awareness of human trafficking by spreading blue sand in the cracks of sidewalks. The hope is that communities can prevent victims from falling through the cracks by raising awareness. The blue sand in the cracks of sidewalks represents how communities can prevent victims from falling through the cracks by raising awareness and education.
So let's join together on January 26th by spreading blue sand in your community. Where do you ask? Outside your office, near a local school, anywhere you want to show your support.
How do you get this sand? All you have to do is stop by any Lubbock area United Express location to get your free blue sand for Wednesday. When you post your photos make sure you tag #bluesandproject so we can all see the awesome pictures.
The Texas Blue Sand Project is a great way to get the whole family involved in supporting survivors. It might even open the door to have a conversation with your kids about the reality of trafficking.
If you want to learn more or find out more ways to help make sure you check out two amazing local nonprofits we have leading the way to help. One Voice Home, Voice of Hope and Open Door are organizations in the Lubbock community that work together to provide help for survivors of sex trafficking and sexual assault. While human trafficking can seem like a distant problem, it, unfortunately, happens everywhere, including right here in our backyards.
Don't forget to post and all come together to hopefully help save lives.