Happy Mother’s Day
OK guys (and gals) listen up, it's time to celebrate mom for all the things she has done, does, and will continue to do for you.
When deciding what to do for her, or what to get her keep in mind we are talking about the woman who gave birth to you, (unless you were adopted, in which case trust me she went through plenty of emotions to get you in her arms).
Forget the fact that you should call and text your mom just to say hello everyday, she deserves much more.
Don't just fall back on the good old standby and send her some flowers, this is after all the woman you no doubt kept up all night as a baby and again as a teen.
She's held you when you cry, cleaned up your "messes" (all kinds), she's even continued to love you when you probably deserved to be smacked instead.
This year, go big, do something to show her just how much she means to you!