We are officially in December so that means it's time to get ready for Christmas, if you haven't already. That does mean making holiday cookies, watching holiday movies, and if you celebrate Christmas then meeting Santa.

The South Plains Mall is inviting all families to join them for their Breakfast with Santa Extravaganza. This is a free Breakfast with Santa event in the Grand Court of the South Plains Mall provided by Bubba's 33 and Chick-fil-A. While breakfast is being served Premiere Cinemas will provide ornaments for decorating while Santa is visiting with the children.

Families will be able to purchase a train and movie tickets for a special train ride on the Adventure Time Express to Premiere Cinema. There will be a few special showings in honor of the holidays such as Elf, Polar Express, and of course Gremlins. A portion of the proceeds from the tickets for the movies and train ride will go to benefit the South Plains Food2Kids program. Tickets for the train will have to pay using cash at the Grand Court but movie tickets can be purchased in advanced at pccmovies.com. Breakfast with Santa will be on December 2 at 8:30 a.m. at the Grand Court at the South Plains Mall.

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