Lost Lubbock Husky Desperately Misses His Family and Needs Your Help to Find Them
A Lubbock resident discovered this beautiful male husky around Detroit and Amherst in North Lubbock several days ago.
His fur was matted and he looked skinny but it was clear that he wasn't just a stray. He was wearing a blue collar when he was found and is said to be a "very good boy."
It's hot in Lubbock right now, especially for a husky, so it's important that he finds his family or a new family so that he can go inside and enjoy the air conditioner. He's being taken care of with food and water and staying in the backyard of the man who found him. He's also been brushed to fix up the fur matting situation.
If you happen to have any information about this sweet baby, please comment on the post on our Facebook page. It would be wonderful if we could help him get home. If nobody claims him, which would be incredibly sad, then he would probably love to live with your family if you have room for him. Huskies are wonderful pets. They're incredibly smart and loyal and great with children.
Look at how sad he is! I can't stand for him to be lost any longer.
This Good Boy Needs Your Help
Please share this story with everyone you know. For more information on the doggo, you can email glennpaul922@gmail.com. Let's all come together and find this baby a furrever home. He's too cute and sweet to be all alone in the world.
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