"Weird (and Wonderful) Secondhand Finds That Just Need To Be Shared" is a popular Facebook group among thrifters. A photo of some interesting shoes found at Lubbock's American Council of the Blind recently gained a TON of attention.

The shoes were discovered by Lubbock resident, Halen Verkamp, and the post they shared now has thousands of likes, hundreds of comments, and dozens of shares. The shoes were listed for around $20 but were later discovered to be valued at WAY more!

Check them out below:

Halen Verkamp
Halen Verkamp

The blue and white pair with cherries came from Shoe Bakery. Similar shoes you find on their website, range from between $200 and $400. The red polka dot pair with the strawberries is made by Curiouser & Curiouser Shoes, and a similar pair on their site sells for $111.55.

So, $20 was quite the bargain!

Most of all, I just want to know who these shoes belonged to before they were donated so that we can be best friends forever and ever and share clothes! Okay, that might be coming on a bit strong...but...

I've always wanted to wear a pair of crazy heels or wedges. Unfortunately, I've been trapped in a low-key, super boring, throw-it-on-at-the-last-minute-and-go, clothing style for decades. It looks like I need to hit up some local thrift stores and step up my game.

Do you know who owned the shoes? Is it you? Send me an email at Chrissy.Covington@townsquaremedia.com so we can go shopping!

Have you found anything interesting in our local thrift stores that you would like to show off? Let me know in a comment below this article! You never know what kind of treasures you'll come across the next time you pop into a thrift shop!

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