Proud About Pride Month
This year's Pride events have been muted.
I personally can't be effective if I have too much going on. That's why I decided a few years ago that the causes I will lend the most weight to would be gay rights and marijuana legalization. These seemed like great spots for me to weigh in because I feel like my observations take on a tiny bit more weight because I am neither gay nor a personal fan of using marijuana.
Ordinarily, by this time I would have kicked out a half dozen Pride related blogs (quite often shocking the testosterone-heavy rock crowd). Not only has the Coronavirus pandemic stifled the celebration, I feel like the gay community has, respectfully, yielded the floor. I believe it's quite possible that the gay community has recognized the killing of George Floyd as the Stonewall moment for African-Americans.
All of this tells me that I have invested my time in the right people. Sure, there was never any question in my mind that I was doing the right thing, but the respectful way the community as a whole has bowed out and said "this isn't about us" is tremendously human. It's cost them too, and anti-transgender legislation was snuck through in the most heinous and evil way under the cover of the pandemic and protests.
I just wanted to take a moment and recognize this sacrifice and let everyone in the LGBT+ community know that we aren't done fighting for you. There is a generational shift in attitudes going on right now and you will have a place at the table. Most of all, once again, I'm GLADD to know you.