Remember This Tip From The Sheriff’s Office Before You Post Back to School Photos
When school starts back up, it can definitely be a bittersweet time for parents. It also brings the first day of school pictures.
We all know every year parents love to show off their kids school pictures on social media. One sheriff's department is reminding parents what to do and not do.
We have seen a lot in the news lately of kids being posted on social media and people using that information to try to adduct kids or do other bad things that parents are super scared of.
Before you post pictures of your kids on social media, remember not to get too detailed on their school, teachers, grades and specific stuff like that. The Carver County Sheriff's Office in Minnesota wants you to know you shouldn't reveal any personal information about your kid at all. If you're a parent, this is a great tip.
As seen above they show a good example of what to do and not do. They posted saying not to share "school name, grade, age, and identifying features, etc. - these can all be used by predators and scammers. No matter your privacy setting or friends, it’s best to keep personal information to a minimum."
If you want to take those pictures and keep them for yourself that's totally fine, but don't post them anywhere because you will never know who will find them. I know this is going to be really hard, but with the chance that something bad could happen, it's really the best thing to do.
I hope everyone has a great first day at school and rocks this year!