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My beautiful friend has an amazing birthday party every year. Because her birthday is in close proximity to Halloween, we always dress up, there's generally a theme (last year's was rock stars -- I was Nikki Sixx), and it's a wonderful time.

Since parties are not a thing this year, we opted to do a private screening at Premiere Cinemas (6002 Slide Road), inside the South Plains Mall.

It's the most fun I've had in months. 

We opted to watch a horror film, so we chose The Call, starring Tobin Bell of the Saw movies. It's a completely terrible movie, and that's part of what made our outing so much fun.

I'm convinced it was shot in a moderately competent haunted house with a budget of $5,000, with $4,000 going directly to Bell for showing up. The film is set in the 1980s, but the arcade scene has anachronistic games, a fact that escaped zero of my friends. The plot is so predictable that even the actors seemed bored. The jump scares were ineffectual to the point of being hilarious.

Because the screening was private, we could heckle the film to our heart's content. I have very bright and witty friends, so the zingers flew left and right. It was a live-action, participatory Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodeMy face hurt from laughing.

Private rentals range from $75 for a classic movie like Hocus Pocus or The Nightmare Before Christmas to $130 for new releases like Tenant. Divide that between 10 people, and it's actually cheaper than most traditional movie tickets. There's even an option to BYOGame console. Can you imagine playing Super Smash Bros. on Premiere's enormous, crisp screens with that incredible sound? Not to mention you'll be in those insanely comfortable, reclining chairs.

The staff was so friendly and sweet and took amazing care of us. The theater was sparkling clean, so we felt totally comfortable. I highly recommend you grab your friends and watch a movie together -- especially if it's as rotten as The Call.

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