Stone Temple Pilots Fire Scott Weiland (again?)
Stone Temple Pilots have sent out a message that they have official fired Scott Weiland from the band. Holy moley, are we really going to go through this again. STP was pretty much my favorite band from the grunge era and they taking an already troubled history and putting it in the dumper. More after the jump.
No official explanations was given for Scott Weiland being fired from Stone Temple Pilots, but I have a good one for you. Weiland is playing shows called "Purple To the Core" where he focuses on playing material from the first two STP albums (rounding things out with a bit of Velvet Revolver and solo stuff). It would kind of piss me off if my singer went around making money off the songs we wrote together. Now this is just an assumption on my part. Weiland has also had problems with drugs and with an INSANE temper. FMX once took a busload of folks to Amarillo to see STP and Cheap Trick and at one point Weiland had to be dragged off the stage physically when a fan pissed him off. He did cool off and they came back out after a couple of minutes, but it was an intense and intensely uncomfortable situation for a while there.
My advice to you: enjoy some STP live videos, this is no doubt the end.
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