Suck It, Adam Levine: Here Are 43 Hot Chicks From Lubbock Who Listen to Metal

Adam "Steamy Turd" Levine, who apparently cheats on his model wife and definitely makes the worst music of all time, said that there are no hot chicks who listen to metal. Except, of course, the hot metal chick he was cheating on his wife with. You can read that whole hot mess here.
Clearly, Levine has never been to a metal show, as they're always full of beautiful women who love metal music. I saw thousands of beautiful women at Rammstein in San Antonio. I can go to any local show and see plenty of hot ladies, too. I'm personally friends with many beautiful women who love metal, and I did a little experiment to prove it.
I posted on my personal Facebook page for metal beauties to drop a picture. In just a couple hours, I have 43. It literally took no time at all to produce beautiful metal maidens, and they all live in or are from Lubbock.
Plenty of women love metal, horror, comic books, gaming, sports, and cars. Our gender doesn't limit our capacity to understand or enjoy these things. What does limit the capacity to enjoy those things is being a dillhole poser like Adam "Smells His Own Farts" Levine.
I'd be remiss to not mention all the hot metalhead women who are in metal bands. Has Levine never heard of Lzzy Hale, Amy Lee, Maria Brink, Cristina Scabbia, Suzuka Nakamoto and many, many others?
Anyway, on to what we all love to see. Here are my beautiful metalhead friends who I thank from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to share their beauty with you.