Take This Ridiculous Quiz to Find Out Just How Lubbock You Really Are

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If you think you're pretty Lubbock, here is the best way to find out.
Check out this silly quiz. Each item below is worth a certain number of points. Add them all together to find just how Lubbock you really are. Share your results on our Facebook page and see how you match up against everyone else.
Also, don't even bother reading this if you don't have a sense of humor.
How Lubbock Are You? Take This Quiz and Find Out!
How did you fare with the quiz?
250-305 points: You are totally Lubbock.
190-250 points: You are pretty Lubbock, but you could do better.
50-190 points: Oh, come on -- LIVE A LITTLE!
0-50 points: You're probably on the naughty list this year and won't be getting any presents from me.
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