A Texas meteorologist has come under fire for a post on his Facebook account iWeatherNet that heavily insinuated that he would shoot a 6-year-old girl if she rang his doorbell again. The little girl had rung his bell in an attempt to locate her missing kitten. This tweet shows a screen capture of the now-deleted Facebook post, along with his eyebrow-raising response to a question asked on the post.

The exchange reads:reads:

Robbins: A child just rang my doorbell, Folks you do NOT ring doorbells in 2023. My 6 was loaded. Keep your kids away.


Seeley: So you're willing to shoot someone just because they rang your doorbell?" Facebook user Stefani Seeley replied to the post. "Stand your ground isn't meant for that and the way you're nearly threatening anyone, specifically kids, is disgusting and why some people shouldn't have guns.


Robbins: I'm not f***ing around



There is a clear difference between protecting your property and just being a menace and a bully. The page owner, Chris Robbins, has attempted to backtrack his statements and has since claimed that he helped the child find the kitten. But since his post, he's been dragged to hell and back on Facebook. Every recent post features comments mocking Robbins, including a post that stated he was moving, to which commenters asked, "Into hiding?"

It actually gets worse, according to Local12.com, he doubled down on bullying the little girl:

Robbins added that he "warned" the little girl he "might pull her hair" if she rang his doorbell again, which led to her "crying." The meteorologist called the incident a "learning opportunity" for the little girl. Robbins also added several replies to his own post, repeatedly posting "she will get her hair pulled tomorrow"

I think he may have attempted to be cute here but comes across as a total creep and weirdo. If an adult man ever pulled my child's hair, he might have to worry about what I'm carrying.

28 Kids From Texas Went Missing In April, Let's Bring Them Home

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Top 14 Exotic Animals That You Can Legally Own in Texas

Texas has an estimated 7.2 million dogs, more than any other state, this according to the American Veterinary Association. Safe to say, dogs are a Texan's best friend. But perhaps you’re interested in branching out a bit and adding a less common exotic pet to your home.

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