That Other Time They Tried to Run Me Out of Lubbock
I guess I've had some adventures.
Do you remember when FMX was "Fun Rock, 100% of the time on 94"?
So here's the story. I had just endured some personal tragedy and I was not thinking 100 percent correctly (or that's my excuse). A classic rock station had launched at 104 on the dial (it's now a Christian station or something). Before I knew it, I heard some of our regular listeners and some of the bands we'd book drift over there (we would hear them on phone calls or whatever).
This pissed me off to no end to know how fickle people could be. It obviously wasn't enough people to support the station, but the people I heard we actually had done favors for and/or given prizes, too.
Concurrently, a local zine called "The Caprock Sun" offered to trade me some free ad space (the owner had been a salesperson at FMX). So, in an effort to show people how I really felt, I put together an ad. I recently found a proof of that ad, and this is it below. See if you can figure out what the controversy was and I'll give you the answer below.
Okay, do you get it? Do you see the two dots on the top? The goal was to match the two dots and get the secret message. Let's put it this way: the bottom said "104." The top, well... imagine the words "FUN ROCK" with the N, R & O missing.
Yes, it was just a matter of time before it was discovered. People went crazy because everybody in town couldn't believe I'd be so vile. The newspaper had advertisers pull out and we had to help finance the next edition.
It wasn't all bad, though. One business who was unhappy with the other station even wallpapered a wall of their restaurant with the folded version of the ad.
It seems pretty tame by today's standards, but it was probably the closest I came to being fired. (Other than the time I made the American Cancer Society mad, or when I threatened to murder another employee. I'm better now.)
Metallica at United Supermarkets Arena, Lubbock ,Texas (March 2nd, 2019)