It warms my heart to see kids embrace Halloween

R. Flores
R. Flores

Halloween Should Not Be Trifled With

The worst thing to happen to Halloween is not the lack of door-to-door trick or treating. The actual worst thing to happen to Halloween is the introduction of Fall Festivals and/or Fall-oween. Halloween is a time for kids to start showing who they really are and who they hope to become. Kids use Halloween as a chance to push boundaries in a very safe way. Halloween is a time to show a little independence. Halloween is simply the best for all ages, but it's a fantastic time when you're a kid.

The New Way To Trick Or Treat

I have no problem with "trunk or treat" and in fact was one of the first ones to invent a safe alternative space for kids to celebrate Halloween. It has been a joy to watch kids transition from the junky plastic stuff we used to wear into more modern designs (the superhero suits with the muscles built in crack me up). It's also fun to see the smaller kids walking around, completely bewildered and trying to figure out just what the heck all of this is.

The Big Event

Over the weekend we held our RockShow Little Kids Trick Or Treat. The even was sponsored by United Supermarkets and Blue Bell ice cream so all of the kids scored big bags of candy, topped off with a cup of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla. I don't know about you, but if I was a kid I'd call that pretty much the best day ever.  We had someone catch pictures of the festivities and we have pictures of the kids and the people who shared their time to make this happen. Enjoy.

RockShow Little Kids Trick Or Treat '24

The spirit of Halloween is alive

Gallery Credit: R. Flores

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