There’s a Cab in Lubbock That Does Way More Than Drive You Home After The Bar
They call it The Devil's Cab, but it's not what you think. Mr. Ribordy and his late night cab service does way more than make sure you get home safe from the bar.
Mr. Ribordy is an unknown Lubbock hero to many in our community. He operates as an independent operator for Yellow Cab here in Lubbock, so he's completely licensed and all that good stuff. (Call him anytime you need a safe and sober ride home at 806-500-7216.) But he's also a huge part of our local community that very few people know about, and I want to spread the word about him.
The Devil's Cab is named so because he drives the late-night routes and doesn't look like your typical cab driver, whatever that is. But he is a lifeline to many around.
He not only raises money for charities like The Haven Animal Shelter, but he brings groceries to some of our elderly citizens who don't get around that easily anymore. He's looking to turn his business into a non-profit one day to offer rides to all of the less fortunate in town, including single parents who need rides to work or for their kids.
Mr. Ribordy is also a certified first responder and does ambulatory transport for Yellow Cab. He looks forward to driving people to doctor's appointments or to the pharmacy when they can't make it on their own. He's certified to use an AED, first aid and CPR, and gives free and anonymous rides to the Women's Protective Services Center. Oh, and he's bilingual, speaking fluent Spanish.
So if you, or anybody you know, needs any services like this one you can call him at 806-500-7216. And call him anytime you need a sober ride home too because he also has to earn a living.
Please share the story of one of our very own making a huge difference in our town. It's people like him that make Lubbock a better place every day.
So if you see this guy driving around wherever you are late at night, don't worry -- he doesn't bite. I mean, he will if you want him to, but not just by himself or anything.
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