This Video Might Make You Think Twice About Eating At Wendy’s
I've seen some pretty gross stuff in the restaurant industry, but I've never seen anything like this. TikToker @Ixlac30 was allegedly fired from their job, only two weeks into working at Wendy's, for sharing a really disturbing video of just how filthy the restaurant was. I can only hope that the restaurant has corrected this problem, or completely shut down because not acceptable.
It looks like nobody has properly cleaned the line in years. The video moves fast, which makes it hard to see just exactly how bad it is, but you can's bad. Like. Bad bad. It's really disturbing that anyone could work in that environment at all and the manager should be fired immediately. In fact, I think the whole building should probably just be burned to the ground and rebuilt. Lord have mercy!
You never quite know what it looks like in the back of any restaurant, until you actually see it for yourself. I'm just hoping that there isn't anywhere in Lubbock that looks this bad.
I once worked for a restaurant in Austin that had a similar vibe. It was an absolute disaster there when I arrived on my first day, but I needed the job. I put in crazy hours trying to clean the place up, with zero help from anyone else. The restaurant owner would leave pots and pans in the sink every night, and there was a horrific mouse problem. One day, a customer asked to buy a cake from the display case. I reached in to get it for them and was horrified to discover a dead mouse lying next to it. That was the day I quit, along with the only remaining cook. The restaurant closed down two weeks later, and that was definitely for the best.
Good riddance to anyone that allows filth like this in their restaurant. Do you have any back-of-house horror stories from places in Lubbock? I'd love to hear about them! You can email me at
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