Watch Out for This Crazy Stuff In Your Kid’s Halloween Candy in Lubbock
Halloween is right around the corner, and there has been a ton of chatter online about checking your child's candy for razor blades and drugs and all that stuff. I don't really buy into those crazy rumors. It seems pretty tedious to go through a whole bag of mini Snickers just to shove a needle into each one. Who has time for that? And I know for a fact that drugs are expensive. Giving them away for free is pretty bad business practice.
Moving on.
Here are a few things that you just might find in your kid's candy in Lubbock that could be cause for alarm. I know you want the kiddos to be safe out there and have a nice Halloween. Make sure you check their candy bags for this stuff:
Watch Out For This Crazy Stuff In Your Kid's Halloween Candy In Lubbock
It's a scary world out there. We hope you have a wonderful Halloween.