Ways to Help Lubbock Animal Shelter, Even If You Can’t Adopt Right Now
I'm very proud of the Lubbock Animal Shelter. They have worked so incredibly hard to become a nearly no-kill shelter (and animals are NOT euthanized for space). However, that leads to overcrowding, and a thinning of resources.
Of course the quickest way to alienate the crowding at the shelter is to adopt one of their many wonderful animals. So many breeds, sizes, temperaments, colors, etc., that you're sure to find a forever friend that suits your family. But if you can't adopt right now, there are many ways to help.
1. Get your current animals spayed or neutered.
Seriously, this needs to be done every time. Your indoor animal WILL eventually get out. Having one litter does NOT improve the health of your female animal. Keeping your male "intact" doesn't make him more impressive or cool. It's not very expensive, and its part of your responsibility as a pet owner. You might be able to give away all the puppies and kitties, but chances are very good many of them will end up at the shelter.
2. Spend some time with an animal up for adoption.
This one is easy and doesn't really cost much, if anything. Socialization is extremely important- so taking a pup on a car ride, for a walk, or even just playing with them for a few minutes will improve your mood and their behavior- and chances of being adopted. Take photos while you're with the animal so LAS can use them on social media.
3. Share social media posts.
LAS has really turned their social media game around. They frequently post available animals, adoption events and more. Maybe you can't give a the animal a home, but someone on your friend's list can. This is not only free, it's easy. Follow LAS and their special Long Stay page.
4. Donate Cash or Needed Supplies
Of course donations are always helpful. LAS needs donations towards outdoor kennels. Here's some other items they always need:
Wanna help our pets?? We need donations!!!
LAS needs towels, blankets, sheets, newspapers, treats, toys and collars for our Adoption Center!! All of these items help provide comfort to our pets!!
The LAS Field Operations need fencing materials, hammers, nails, bailing wire, crates, kennels, dog food and treats!!! All these items help our Officers keep pets in their homes and out of LAS!!!
Our Facility needs 10 by 10 cyclone wire kennels for outdoor enrichment time for our dogs!! Being out in the sunshine helps reduce stress on our pets!!
Any and all donations are welcome and very much appreciated!!!
Thank you Lubbock, for being a caring and compassionate community that's really come together to help our pet population.