6 Things Lubbock Needs For Its Birthday
We're going to start with a little lesson here.
If your kid comes home from school with a C+ does that mean you love them less? Nope. A good parent loves them just as much as always, they just want them to DO BETTER. Now, if you didn't understand that, go back and read it again. Don't be one of those ignorant boo-birds who says, "if you don't like it, just leave".
It is possible to love the Hub City and want it to do better. In honor of the Hub City's 110th Birthday, here are six things that I wish I could give our fine city.
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Let's start with this; how many of you new that Lubbock was turning 110 on Saturday? Right, the ball was completely dropped. It could have been a nice opportunity for a little Hub City Pride. Where are Lubbock's leaders, innovators, and dreamers? They've been replaced with bean counting, risk-averse, boring, cogs in a do-nothing machine. Have some vision!
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Dust Control
I didn't say everything on the list had to be realistic. Maybe we can call the folks at Dyson and get a little help keeping our landscape out of the air.
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A Comedy Club
We have had 25 standing room only performances of the Lubbock Laugh Off, 23 of them at the huge World Of Beer in the West End Center. Lubbock has a more cohesive comedy than music scene (sorry, the times have changed), yet no stand-alone comedy club. There's always a need for folks to get out and support this kind of venture too, but the signs certainly are there.
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A Pay Raise
Sooner or later the businessmen that keep launching these restaurant franchises are gonna learn that they will be very shortlived if they don't pay for proper management and staff. There are already a number of great places that launched and left town because they could not keep the quality up. If your business plan doesn't include a chance at a rewarding career for your managers, then just go buy a boat or something at one of our fine Lubbock retailers.
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A Large Attraction
The new Wonderpark (or whatever it is) looks like it might be cool. I don't have high hopes for The Buddy Holly Music thing. My own Nightmare On 19th Street does draw some out of state visitors, but I'm not seeing that one world class thing that brings people to the Hub City. Truth be told, Lubbock just may be too small for something like that, maybe we just need the smaller ones to keep adding up.
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Because cake makes everything better.