And Yet Another Tale of Stupid Lubbock Criminals
This one came across my desk earlier and I wanted to give myself a good old-fashioned facepalm.
This article should have been entitled:
“If You Rob a Store, Here's What you Shouldn’t Do Next”
Seems that 17-year-old Isaiah Desean Hawkins, 38-year-old Tramitra Nicole Hawkins, and 48-year-old Elizabeth Taylor Moore thought it would be fun to go shoplift at the Academy Sports at 114th and Quaker Ave.
Tramitra was having a good old time picking up all kinds of sporting goods and related items while her ‘friends’ played lookout. Well, Tramitra obviously forgot that Academy has very good security and loss prevention officers in the store.
According to Everything Lubbock, our local media partner:
"The police report quoted Tramitra Hawkins as saying, 'I don’t care who y’all call. I will beat someone’s ass if they touch me.'"
Tramitra, really? You should have just shut up at that point, but no, you ran your mouth. And what is the old saying about karma?
An off-duty LPD officer followed for a while, but eventually lost sight of the Jockstrap Gang. (My name for them, not theirs.)
Guess Tramitra and the Jockstrap Gang decided one Academy wasn’t good enough. This is where my alternate title for the article comes into play.
Like a group of amateurs, the Jockstrap Gang decided to go for more at the other Academy on 19th street. The LPD was ready for them. They got them, searched their car and found several stolen items. It is not clear if they found jockstraps, or if they did, where they came from.
But remember what I said about karma?
All three were arrested and charged with robbery and organized crime.
Tramitra’s car was repossessed on site by a local car dealer. A child was found in the car and turned over to CPS. Maybe now that poor child will have a shot at a real-life with law-abiding parents instead of being a future member of the Jockstrap Gang.
What lesson did we learn today? Tell us in the comment section below.
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